
The Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

8,May 2004 Saturday

Obedience to the Magisterium:

First of all let Me begin by saying that there is dissension amongst My ranks! My Pope is being tortured by disease, maimed by the evil in the Church which surrounds him, worried in his soul about the current times and the times yet to come.

He obeys Me - and yet so many will not obey him. Woe to you all who choose to ignore the directives and instructions from My Pope on the throne of Peter! You do not fully comprehend what you are doing nor the bloodshed that weighs down many of your hems. It seems to Me that it has become more important that THINE OWN will be done rather than MINE!

The first and most important call for reform I make within My church to ALL is obedience to My Pope, who serves My Will and obeys My Commands.

This self-serving, self-gratifying, path of rebellion MUST END! Know in your hearts that those who serve Me are to be obeyed.

Unity in the Priesthood:

Due to a break-down in the education of Seminarians, who have been ordained as ill-equipped Priests, there is not only the issue of the sex scandals in My Church but immature, inadequate and incapable Priests. This is worse in many respects, because it leads to ill-informed educators of the Catholic Faith and Truths.

I am calling for Bishops to obey the command of the Pope in re-assessing the curriculum of the Seminary. One major problem is the disunity amongst Priests who also run the Seminaries and educate future Priests. There needs to be a more concerted effort to restore peace amongst Priests who stray from the Churchfs Teachings and then pass these untruths to Seminarians. If they cannot obey the Churchfs Teachings then they should be removed, and therefore stopped from poisoning future Priests with their lies and heresies.

So whatfs the answer?

There were many more vocations before the rebellion ? in the form of Modernism ? began. Thatfs because the Churchfs Teachings, My Teachings, were adhered to.


Well, I believe you donft have to carry on that train of thought much further to comprehend what I am saying. So the answer is simple. Return to the original Teachings of the Church, and Godfs Graces will pour forth more readily.

Continue on this path of serving self and Godfs Wrath will unfold! The Chastisements will continue and only become worse, and pain and suffering will be amplified. Innocent blood will be shed. Martyrdom will be the norm and I will return to care for My children at a time when few will remember Me ? and only those left who truly love Me will be saved from chaos and confusion.

Priests must band together for their own sake and for the sake of My children. If My Will is not obeyed then revelations will be revealed; meaning: itfs going to happen! But I am appealing to mankindfs will because you still have the will to choose.

My Sons, My Priests: remember what you have been called to do. Unify! Band together; help one another. Re-educate one another in the truths of the Church. Stand strong and donft be afraid to fight for the truth. How can you expect your flock to follow and help one another if you are not perfect examples of this yourselves.

Fix the problems in the Seminaries. Make good Priests out of the precious few who come forth, heeding My call in this time of confusion and betrayal, but still - despite these desperate times - come forth to serve. Donft let them down, therefore letting down the faithful who need Shepherds. Raise My Shepherds to be loving, caring, well-educated, teachers for the flock.

Bring unity to the Priests, then also will there be unity amongst the faithful.

Counselling for Priests and Laity:

Damage has been done. Sins have been committed. Forgiveness needs to be achieved. Counselling should be sought for Priests and laity alike, so reconciliation and forgiveness can be achieved. Please make this an important part of the call for reform.

There are souls trapped between worlds ? caught between the Traditional Church and the Modern Church. These souls need counselling, too. The Modernists need to be reminded of what the true Teachings of My Church are, and the Traditionalists need to know that theyfve not been left behind ? that they serve the Pope faithfully, and that through many Seers I am calling for Reform and an adherence to the ways of My Church.

Yes, as things stand now, where the Church has sanctioned changes that are against My Will, I have still allowed it, and they must obey - but, at every possible opportunity, the ways of My Traditional Church should be adhered to and no persecution should come to them from the Magisterium of the faithful as a result of their loyalty and faithfulness.

Counselling is going to be needed for the long haul because to heal the Schism - in the Church, the many hurt people and Priests - it is going to take time. Never give up hope that things can turn around because man will always have his right to choose, and God makes allowances for that.

Penitential Rite:

This is a watering down of the Sacrament of confession. A eonce a yearf Confession is simply not good enough. The faithful have become lapse. They adhere only to what sounds good to them, and many still receive Communion [while] in a grave state of sin. The faithful need to be reminded that this is a MORTAL SIN, and God will punish them for it!

The Penitential rite is sufficient only for minor, petty sins. The Act of Contrition needs to be recited often, even at home before prayer, for a continued cleansing of sin from self ? the soul ? for greater unity with God.

More serious Mortal Sins must be confessed to a Priest before Communion can be received. I cannot stress this enough.

I am the Lord Jesus Christ Who suffered horrific torments and tortures. I - Who was and am Perfect - did this for you and for all so that sins could be forgiven. Does this mean nothing? Are these just words? No! They are the Truth, and I deserve respect for the great Sacrifice I made and the great Love with which I have Loved you. So many have forgotten me!


Every knee shall bow!!

Ohhhh, but Satan and his rebellion have found a foothold in the Church in this seemingly unimportant and mostly overlooked ritual where once every knee did bow, but now it is deemed acceptable to receive My Presence in the Eucharist STANDING! This is such an insult to Me and a deep Wound in My Heart. For how long must My Heart Bleed?

Do not refuse Communion to those who wish to kneel. These are My truly faithful and they will be rewarded with great Graces.

I want a return of the respect and obedience to Me as was once displayed in My holy Churches throughout the world where, indeed, every knee did bow. They knelt before My Presence in the Eucharist, paying sufficient homage, humbling themselves before Me - and acknowledged Me as King of kings, Lord of lords. It was a great time when I was received with such reverence.

Current Practices to end ? Communion in the hand:

This is a Sacrilege!

No faithful is worthy to take My Body and receive it in the hand. It is instantly defiled! How many times do I have to repeat Myself? All of you should know better! Did I not make Myself clear enough?

This is the entire purpose and the meaning behind the Mystery of the Priesthood ? the Consecration of the bread and the wine into My Body and Blood. If you remove the belief of My Real Presence in the Eucharist, then My Priests are nothing but figureheads for the Church, and they are reduced to an office.

The entire purpose and meaning, the very reason a Priest is called to duty, is to Consecrate the bread and the wine, transforming it into My Body and Blood, and they sacrifice everything in order to be empty vessels to receive My Divine Guidance; to be My Representatives so that My "flock" can receive Me and become stronger in the Virtues and in obeying My Commands ? following My Life and all that I call upon the faithful to do.

Allowing the faithful to receive Communion on the hand reduces My Body to nothing more than a symbol. No one but My Priests are adequately prepared to touch My Consecrated Host, and then it must be given on the tongue ? from the hand of the Priest ? to the faithful.

I want the practice of receiving Communion on the hand to be removed!!

Extraordinary Ministers:

I know all too well the shortage of shepherds for My flock, but even this does not allow Me to consent to the appointment of Extraordinary Ministers. I will say it again: "No one but My Priests are adequately prepared to touch My Consecrated Host." I have said enough! My Will be done!

Sharing of the Chalice:

I do not consent to this either. All too often have My flock cried to Me, "Lord! Lord!" And I have said: I do not know you. Why? Because they do not obey My Will. I do not consent to the sharing of My Blood in the Chalice with the laity because I want this to be reserved for My Priests and clergy only. They sacrifice more than any faithful. They have been given extraordinary Graces - but they are still men who must overcome human weaknesses, and My Blood is reserved for them so they alone can receive Me into themselves for added strength ? with help to overcome their human, and all too often physical, weaknesses. God metes out to each their own, and this is their lot.

I once told a woman: "Woman, you do not know of what you ask." Remember? Not everyone receives the same Graces. The grass isnft always greener on the other side. God has not given everyone the same opportunities, the same rites, the same privileges. He gives each according to their own ? that which God wishes them to receive.

It is the will of Satan that breeds envy and contempt. He alone plants the seed of doubt; fertilizes it with suspicion and indignation; makes it flourish and grow with corruption and ? finally - makes it bloom with poisoning contempt and greed.

This you have been called to do: serve the Will of the Master - and if this you cannot do, and you listen to the voice of your own will, then you shall serve the will of Satan; he shall then become your Master.

Unsuitable Attire:

It would seemingly be as though I were asking too much, but the road to Heaven is narrow and few shall find it.

The increasing disrespect shown to Me, My Mother and My Priests is becoming apparent to all -but bearing so much skin in the Church? Yes, these days all are being told it is O.K., but I tell you that it is not! Show some respect!

Women: show some respect to God; to yourselves. You are not the product of your physical beauty or lack thereof. Beauty is not skin deep! Beauty comes from within; it is not bare shoulders, naked legs and revealing all too much chest!

Respect your Priests, who are men who have sacrificed and have embraced celibacy to serve you to be representations of God the Son, for you, so that you can be closer to Me. Would you stand before Me in the flesh and not be ashamed of your nakedness? Truly I tell you that you would! I am Jesus. My Priests are My representatives. Respect them as you would Me.

Men: all too often I see men coming to Church also dressed inappropriately. Yes, it is true that it is more important as to what you clothe your spirit in - but so, too, does your inner spiritual clothing reflect upon your outer clothing. If you respect Me - and I Who Live in you - then you will respect Me in My Church, also. This is a place of worship, not a place to hang-out, like some club.


Here is where I want to have a final word about the current and alarming trend that seems to be growing in the Church today. Theologians and Priests, alike, being given free rein to question and doubt the validity of the truth in the Bible. It is not by becoming sceptical that higher Truths are revealed. It is with unwavering faith God often times reveals the Truth to the totally faithful. Has that not been the case?

Let me crush and dispel some alarming heresies.

In My Incarnation as both God and Man, I was Perfect. I never sprouted lies or heresies, or do anything that was against the Will of My Father. I was, and am, the Truth - the Word, Who became Man. I was sent from Heaven to Redeem mankind from an estranged human race and return them into the Arms of the Father. I did this by offering Myself, freely - and without reserve - as the Sacrificial Lamb to end all previous sacrifices, which were insufficient and unable to repair the damage done - nor set the wheels in motion - by the actions of both Adam and Eve.

I alone was the only one who could do this - and I carried out this act of Love as the ultimate price to pay, to show once and for all that no more blood had to be shed upon the Altars, because My blood redeemed mankind for all eternity.

I never had sexual relations with anyone! In the times of today, it seems that no human mind can comprehend this, but it is so. I am the Truth and I am the Word. I do not need the contact or intimacy of a man or a woman in sexual relations because I was, and am, Perfect. I was, and am, One in Being with the Father - and this form of unity which My Being knows is Perfect and totally independent of any need for sexual, human, relations.

I hope I have made myself clear to all those who deem it epossiblef that I had any kind of sexual relations. It is a heresy to even entertain such a notion.

Yes, My Body was Resurrected. Yes, I returned to Earth after three days where-in I had descended into Hell, released the souls from Purgatory, emptied the souls in the Limbo of the Fathers, and asserted My Authority as King of the Universe and Lord over all.

I ascended into Heaven with My Body where I am seated at the Right Hand of the Father. I will come again to judge the living and the dead and My Kingdom will have no end.

Yes, Maryfs Conception was Immaculate. She did, indeed, ascend into Heaven with Her Body. She is the Co-Redemptrix. She does intercede for Godfs children, and She is a model of virginity, abstinence, holiness and love for all Godfs children. She should be revered and venerated. She is My Mother and She is Mother to all Godfs children. She was, and is, without sin. There is no other like Her.

A new Commandment I give you: "Love one another as I have Loved you". This Mary continues to do. She Loves you as I have Loved you, and She deserves your respect. She is the Queen of Heaven.

Believe in My Truths, as they will not fail you, just as I will not fail you. I always stand by My children.

The Lord Jesus Christ